AxIT Testing

AxIT system

If you are not measuring, you are guessing

Body Dynamics Illawarra introduces the state of the art strength testing kit, the AxIT System to the Illawarra.

The AxIT system is perfect for those people who want to measure:

  • baseline movement strength and power data,

  • identify asymmetries from side to side,

  • track how they are progressing toward exercise goal attainment.

The AxIT system is portable and can be brought on site to assess your sports team and gym clients to ensure you are training effectively to maximise your strength and identify risks of injury.

The testing is easy to perform and can be modified to suit your needs; from a short assessment looking at a specific area such as in injury recovery; or an extensive assessment looking at sport specific requirements throughout the body. It is a great tool to assess peak force without loading you up and running the risk of injury just to perform a test.

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The AxIT is ideal for anyone who wants to be able to have greater focus on their training and objective outcomes of peak force.

The AxIT can help more specifically in the following ways:

How our AxIT assessment process works

We Assess

The AxIT system performs a complete performance assessment of strength and power for any muscle in your body, as well as the movements you need to perform in daily activities or sport, including squats, lunges, deadlifts, hops, jump, push-ups and many more.

We Set Baselines

An AxIT Assessment collects meaningful, actionable data measuring strength and power imbalances to identify key areas to be tracked over time.

We Intervene

Using the research and data from the AxIT system we design better training and management programs, resulting in more targeted training and better health and fitness outcomes.

We Re-Assess

The AxIT system measures the effectiveness of the intervention within the session or after one week, one month or one year. Your data is safely stored so you can always compare results and know that positive progression is being achieved and that your plan is on the right track to helping you achieve your goals.

Don't wait

Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.

Join us at Body Dynamics and experience the transformation. Start today! Your future self will thank you.